What is Sound Healing?

Sound has been used for millennia as a powerful tool for healing and spiritual awakening. In fact, our connection to sound begins before birth. We are baptized by sound and vibration in the womb.

The mechanism by which sound brings about physical healing has been studied for decades and is continually being refined by new scientific findings. Sound healing is a kind of healing modality that uses sound and special instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. Sound healing is energy work, everything is energy and vibrates at different frequencies.

These frequencies are played to facilitate mind, body and spiritual healing, such as the reduction of stress, Calming ongoing mind, promoting relaxation and balancing our body’s energy centers, known as chakras.

Exciting new research and cutting-edge technologies show How powerful sound, vibration, and frequency are in facilitating healing and expansion of consciousness.

Sound Healing

Private 1 hour Sound Healing session.

with Monie Tehrani

Let’s start working on your path to wellness of the mind, body and spirit so you can achieve your goals and live your best life in peace, love and harmony.

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Dr Jeffrey Thompson is a renowned healer who has over 40 years pioneered a range of remarkable discoveries in the field. He said “When a cell goes into a healing response, it increases its metabolism and its intake of food expelling of waste and rebuilding of tissue. So it is raising its energy up. Sound waves can raise it to its highest potential. That is way higher than the cell can do on its own. So we have just created a super healing state with sound waves when they are tuned correctly“. A host of neurological conditions, such as ADD, ADHD, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, Depression, PTSD, ,Dyslexia, Autism can be improved by the help of sound therapy.
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One Example of the Sound Healing is Binaural Beats 

Binaural beats are two sounds that are slightly out of tune. The brain, looking to make sense of the dissonance, entrains to the pulse in between, linking brain hemispheres together. In order for it to work headphones must be used.

We have used our voices and musical instruments for prayer and chanting, ceremonies and rituals, We can use sound to heal.

What Does a Typical Session With Me Look Like?

Sound therapy is one of our sessions that can be performed in person. In a normal session first, you will experience binaural beats using headphones to take you to the state of relaxation, Alpha state and then we will have our main part of sound therapy using Gong, Shamanic Drum, Singing Bowls and Koshi Chimes. In this session you will experience a total Euphoric sensation that heals your body, mind and spirit.

A Note Regarding our Singing Bowls

These Bowls are made by hand on a full moon evening of each month by enhancing the subtle moon energy for healing vibrations. These handmade Tibetan singing bowls are chosen carefully by sound testing to ensure their healing properties. These exclusive healing masterpieces are carefully made for long-lasting and powerful sounds. Traditionally the bowls were made of seven sacred metals, corresponding to the seven planets. The highest Lamas used these Tibetan bowls as ritual offerings to their Gods and Deities. Some believe the highest Lamas used these bowls for rituals to travel to another level of consciousness. But it was forbidden to talk about these bowls even within monasteries.

Want to Book a Sound Healing Session with Monie?

Sound Healing covers a range of treatments through the use of Solfeggio Frequencies. Similar to Massage Therapy, which delivers healing through touch,

Sound Healing uses individual sounds and Solfeggio Frequencies to deliver healing through one of your most important senses – hearing. Watch the video to learn about the incredible healing powers of Solfeggio Frequencie

The Benefits

396 Hz

For those looking to release fear and guilt. The 396 Hz helps you ''root'' yourself and helps you build stability and inner strength.

417 Hz

For those looking for healing, letting go of past trauma and negativity, and the willingness to change. The 417 Hz can help you to recognize those past traumas that are no longer valuable in your life.

528 Hz

For those looking for clarity, peace, and DNA healing. The 528 Hz is a miracle tone or the love frequency which has been claimed to heal the DNA. Additionally, it cleanses an individual from disease and sickness. It is perhaps one of the most effective frequencies for healing interpersonal relationships.

639 Hz

For those looking to reconnect. The 639 Hz allows one to meditate on themselves, their life, and those people they value and love. It helps create harmony with the universe and yourself.

741 Hz

For those looking to obtain solutions and self expression. The 741 Hz helps you conquer the obstacles that lay in the path of self growth.

852 Hz

For those looking to heighten their intuitions and alignment with spiritual orders. The 852 Hz can aid you in realigning with your soul.

963 Hz

For those looking to create room for oneness and unity. The 963 Hz is a natural frequency from the universe. It contains cosmic healing abilities and is perhaps the most direct method for re-establishing your connection to the Divine.